Social Policy and Protection
Social protection consists of policies and programs designed to reduce poverty and vulnerability by promoting efficient labour markets, diminishing people's exposure to risks, and enhancing their capacity to manage economic and social risks, such as unemployment, exclusion, sickness, disability and old age.
Our work has a basic services focus informed by critical analyses of barriers and enablers to social inclusion in education, health, child and broader social welfare interventions.
In Zimbabwe like any other developing country, there are several challenges related to social protection including inadequate policies and legislation regarding livelihood-based social protection, lack of effective and meaningful collaboration among government departments and civil society organisations providing care and support to children.
Our goal under this area of work is to support the design, development and implementation of a robust social policy and protection regime that respond adequately to challenges facing children, women, and the elderly and other disadvantaged groups.
- To generate evidence on poverty and vulnerability, and the impact of social protection programmes on marginalized groups and communities;
- To work with governments and partners to translate social protection goals into action oriented laws and policies
- Evidence driven social protection programmes;
- Long-term, integrated approaches that emphasise livelihoods-based social protection
Examples of projects
Baseline survey on the situation of children living in Residential Child Care Facilities
Synopsis of project
This was a national baseline study that documented and analysed the situation of children within residential care in Zimbabwe. The baseline study was commissioned to help Ministry of Public Service and UNICEF in designing policy and program interventions that reduce the vulnerability of children living under such conditions.
Development of a Case Study on the link between Social Protection and Humanitarian Assistance
Synopsis of the project
The case study demonstrated the linkages between social protection (SP) and humanitarian assistance (HA). It also highlighted the different interventions by the World Bank and World Food Programme, as well as demonstrating good practices and challenges in SP and Humanitarian programming. The case study also pulled together lessons for programming.